Monday, May 17, 2010

laundry day

I went to the laundromat today with 3 big overflowing baskets and one big trash bag of laundry. I was so busy getting the laundry into the car that I forgot to bring Amanda's schoolwork. I didn't realize that I had forgotten it until we got there. Fortunately Amanda found a Good Housekeeping magazine to look at while I did the laundry. I was taking the laundry out of the dryer when she started running around with a plastic bag on her head. I had to stop what I was doing to chase after her, then explain to her why not to put a plastic bag over head. She is nine years old and I know we have had the plastic bag over the head discussion before. She is just so impulsive that I have to constantly know where she is and what she is doing for her own safety. I used to fold laundry at the laundromat when Amanda was in school but now that I'm homeschooling her I put it all into trash bags and fold it at home. It takes about an hour and a half from the time we get to the laundromat until clothes are dry. She starts getting real antsy toward the end.

It was time for lunch by the time we got home. Then I had to take the trash out, clean the litter box, and sweep living room floor. Finally I got to start folding some laundry on my bed as I always do. I stopped to go into Amanda's room to check on her progress with her schoolwork that she was supposed to be doing. I knew she was hiding something when she suddenly covered up with her blanket. I removed the blanket and found a pink mess behind her on the floor. I asked her what it was and she said "I haven't named it yet." We repeated ourselves back and forth several times before she finally told me that she had mixed cranberry juice with my coconut coffee creamer. We have been over the whole issue of not touching my coffee creamer so many times I have lost count. She used to drink the creamer which I would then have to throw away because it had her spit in it (eeeewwww). I told her to clean it up and she sort-of did. I then went with her to get a paper towel and then watched over her as she cleaned up the rest of her mess.

I now have to go figure out something quick and easy to make for dinner. I know that any moment now she will come in whining that she is hungry. She is always hungry, except when she doesn't finish her meal and wastes it. If only kids came with a hungry meter so parents would know how hungry they really are. Hopefully I can finish getting the laundry folded and put away after dinner. Whatever isn't done by 8 o'clock tonight will have to wait until tomorrow because I am watching House no matter what.

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